Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Women: "You're not up to making life altering decisions"

The "Woman's Right to Know Act". What a load of nonsense. Why not call this bill, "Women: you're not up to making life altering decisions"? And as per usual, it's accompanied by the habitual dishonesty of the anti- abortionists. Oh yeah, they want 'time to reflect', that's all, nothing else. Why? Your considered "reflection time" is that it's, in all circumstances, absolutely the wrong thing to do. Admit it. Yet another feeble, disingenuous effort.

I hate seeing abortion become the political football it has become in the legislature, but this seems a genuine attempt by the Republicans to portray themselves as being even MORE extremist with the voters. This will be waived like a big red flag in the next election.

I've always considered myself 'choice tolerant' rather than 'pro-choice', because I am personally opposed to abortion, but it isn't me who has to carry this baby, care for this baby, hold together a possibly violent relationship with this baby's father.

A "Woman's Right to Know Act" shouldn't matter (though it does).

With this bill, I don't think the Republicans are being cynical, as they are being strongly pro-life, which is part and parcel of being a (normal) Republican. So there.

And in any case the electorate is trending pro-life.

I find the whole debate strange as nobody wants carte blanche to abort 6 month old babies, and nobody other than extremists are proposing to force births of children from rape, from incest, or where the mother might die.

It's amazing the rhetorical hoops Republicans are willing to put themselves through just to avoid admitting that they jumped to their conclusions that PP is an abortion mill without knowing the full spectrum of health services PP provides.

It's OK. You can admit you didn't know all the facts.  We won't think less of you.

The most important part of planned parenthood is family planning and preventing unwanted pregnancies ahead of time before abortion even becomes an issue.  One would think at least that part of their operation would please Republicans, who are always looking for ways to shrink the welfare rolls.

But what do the Republicans do after they get in?  Why, ignore jobs and overstep their mandate by attacking abortion rights and Planned Parenthood.

If it weren't so pathetically sad, it would split the sides with laughter.


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